
承蒙各界鼎力支持,基督教靈實協會(下稱靈實)於2015年開始舉辦「靈實耆趣跑」,為非政府資助服務籌款,扶助弱勢社群。靈實協會明年將再接再厲,於 2023 年 1 月 15 日(星期日)舉行慈善行及生命跑,今年活動命名為「2023 HOPES RUNNER 靈實生命跑及慈善行」,分為三公里生命跑、六公里生命跑、三公里慈善行,讓參加者都可享受其中。   



Thanks to the wholehearted and sustained support from various sectors, Haven of Hope Christian Service (hereafter as HOHCS) has been organising the “HOPES RUNNER” since 2015, with the aim of raising funds for the non-subvented services to support the underprivileged groups. As a continuous effort, HOHCS will host the run and cycling activity again, named the “Hopes Runner 2023” on 15 January 2023 (Sunday). The spotlight event will include a 3km Run, a 6km Run and a 3km Charity Walk. Participants will duly enjoy the event. 
This upcoming event will be held at the newly built Cross Bay Link, Tseung Kwan O (CBL), the first-ever marine crossing in Hong Kong combining carriageway, cycle track and footpath with a viewing platform, incorporating the idea of ” Infinity and Vibrancy”. The roughly 1.8 km-long CBL, which is slated to open in December 2022, will become a landmark in Tseung Kwan O and Hong Kong. The CBL just injects both vibrancy and dynamics to Tseung Kwan O, the so-called “Healthy City”. Likewise, HOHCS, which has been rooted in Hong Kong for nearly 70 years, acts as a bridge that connects the community with various professional services through love and care. 
Besides, the bridge symbolizes that Hong Kong can introduce healthy elements to its future large-scale building projects and town planning, creating an exemplar of a “Healthy City”. Over the past 70 years, HOHCS is committed to engaging in community building. We not only pay attention to physical health of individuals, but also take care of the physical, mental, social and spiritual needs of the public. Upholding the spirit of “Respecting Life. Impacting Life”, along with the idea of ” Infinity and Vibrancy” of CBL, all these facilitate the infinite development of HOHCS. 





In the early 50s, witnessing the desperate plights of the refugees in Tiu Keng Leng, Sister Annie Skau, the founder of HOHCS helped untie the knots in their lives by means of medical assistance. Not merely did Sister Annie Skau care about their health, but also endeavoured to meet their psychological, social and spiritual needs. 
Adhering to the motto of “Respecting Life. Impacting Life”, HOHCS keeps moving with the times and has developed into a charitable organisation offering elderly, health, rehabilitation and education services, in addition to becoming a catalyst to provide innovative service solutions to address the needs of the society. 


靈實於2023年踏入 70 週年,我們希望繼續作為橋樑連繫身邊人,一橋相連地連結將軍澳社區,以至整個香港社會。靈實於2016年展開為期10年的「築動生命全方位發展計劃」,發展基建設施、擴建院舍及提升服務,為渴求優質醫護服務的人士帶來新希望。「敢於創新」一向是靈實的服務宗旨,多年來,靈實一直本著創辦人司務道教士「尊重生命.改變生命」的精神服務社會。近年將軍澳區內人口老化問題加劇,為社區帶來極大挑戰,靈實遂推出「築動生命全方位關顧計劃」,揉合靈實多年在長者醫療及復康方面的專長和經驗,透過基建發展,為市民提供嶄新而優質的醫療及社會服務。這個十年發展計劃將以新建設帶動且更新靈實現有服務,回應社會需要及靈實的服務宗旨。計劃包括以下五個項目: 
(一) 擴建靈實胡平頤養院; 
(二) 擴建靈實醫院; 
(三) 擴建靈實司務道寧養院; 
(四) 新建嚴重殘疾人士護理院及長者護養院; 
(五) 新建嚴重智障人士日間中心暨宿舍宿位。 



2023 will mark the 70th anniversary of HOHCS. We will continue to perform well the role as a bridge to connect the Tseung Kwan O community and the entire Hong Kong society. The Haven Project, a 10-year capital development project which has been spearheaded since 2016, includes infrastructural development, extension project and service quality improvement, in a bid to bring new hopes to those who quest for quality healthcare services. “Bold to innovate” is the core value of HOHCS’s services. Over the years, HOHCS has been serving the society with the spirit of “Respecting Life ‧ Impacting Life” inherited from Sister Annie Skau, the founder of HOHCS. Ageing population has become acute in Tseung Kwan O in recent years, posing tremendous challenges to the community. The Haven Project was thus launched, aiming to provide faith-based quality medical services to serve those in need through integrating HOHCS network’s know-how and experience. This 10-year plan will advance and renovate the existing services through new infrastructure, addressing the community’s demands and living up to the core value of HOHCS. 
The 5 capital development projects are as follows: 
1.    Extension of Haven of Hope Woo Ping Care and Attention Home  
2.   Expansion of Haven of Hope Hospital 
3.   Extension of Haven of Hope Sister Annie Skau Holistic Care Centre
4.   New Standalone Purpose-built Care and Attention Home for Severely Disabled Persons and Nursing Home
5.   New Standalone Day Activity Centre cum Hostel for Severely Handicapped Persons
Your generous support will drive HOHCS to move forward and innovate. The fundraising target of this event is HK$700,000-HK$1,000,000. You are cordially invited to support this meaningful event and vie for the award titles. While enjoying sports and connecting with the society, you will assist in drawing upon more resources for the long-term development of HOHCS, offering best-in-class and all-round caring to the needy in the society. 



活動時間: 早上8時至中午12時

活動地點: 將軍澳跨灣大橋 (將軍澳跨灣連接路)

Date: 15 January 2023 (SUN) 

Time: 8:00am to 12:00nn 

Venue: Cross Bay Link, Tseung Kwan O 



  • 集休閒、觀光及運動於一身,適合一家大小一同參與!
  • 將軍澳跨灣連接路的單車徑和行人路旁設有綠化帶,以植物美化景觀,沿途遊人亦可觀望將軍澳海峽。
  • 設有個人團體賽。
  • 所有參賽者均可獲贈紀念包乙份,當中包括活動紀念T恤乙件及精美禮物乙份。
  • 每人最低目標籌款額為港幣450元團體最低目標籌款額為港幣1,700元 (每隊最多4人)。
  • 設有團隊最高籌款獎個人最高籌款獎

3KM Charity Walk

  • An activity blended with leisure, sightseeing and exercise. 
  • There are green strips alongside the cycling track and footway of the CBL, beautifying the environment with vegetation. Passersby and visitors can also observe the splendid scene of the strait of Tseung Kwan O.
  • The Charity Walk comprised individual and team tournaments.
  • All participants will be presented with a souvenir pack, which includes a T-shirt and a complimentary gift.
  • The suggested minimum fundraising amount is HK$450 per head (participant) and HK$1,700 per team (a team of maximum 4 people).
  • Awards will be entitled to the individual and team who have raised the highest donation respectively. 


  • 設有男子女子組及團體組別
  • 個人參加費用港幣550元團體參加費用港幣2,100元(每隊最多4人),各設冠、亞、季三獎
  • 所有參賽者均可獲贈紀念包乙份,當中包括活動紀念T恤乙件及精美禮物乙份,慈善跑參加者另獲派發號碼布
  • 完成賽事將額外獲贈紀念獎狀乙份
  • 設有團隊最高籌款獎及個人最高籌款獎

3km Run

  • There are 3 groups for the 3km Run: Male, Female and Team.
  • The suggested minimum fundraising amount is HK$550 per head (participant) and HK$2,100 per team (A team of maximum 4 people). Prizes of Champion, 1st Runner-up and 2nd Runner-up will be offered in each group. 
  • Participants will be presented with a souvenir pack, which includes a T-shirt and a complimentary gift. A race bib will be provided for participants of the charity run.
  • Upon completion of the run, participants will be given a finisher certificate.
  • Awards will be entitled to the individual and team who have raised the highest donation respectively.


  • 設有男子女子組
  • 每人建議最低目標籌款額為港幣550元
  • 所有參賽者均可獲紀念包乙份當中包括活動紀念T恤乙件及精美禮物乙份慈善跑參加者另獲發號碼布
  • 完成賽事將額外獲贈紀念獎
  • 設有男子組冠、亞、季軍女子組冠、亞、季軍,以及個人最高籌款獎 

6km Run

  • There are 2 groups for the 3km Run: Male and Female.
  • The suggested minimum fundraising amount is HK$550 per head.
  • Participant will be presented with a souvenir pack, which includes a T-shirt and a complementary gift. A race bib will be provided for participant of the charity run.
  • Upon completion of the run, participants will be given a finisher certificate.
  • Prizes of Champion, 1st Runner-up and 2nd Runner-up will be offered in each group.
  • Awards will be entitled to the individual who has raised the highest donation. 



  • 網上登記:完成登記及網上繳費。
  • 其他登記方法︰下載及填妥「登記表格」,連同信用卡資料、劃線支票 或 存款收據正本,於2023年1月6日或以前,WhatsApp至9205 7784 或電郵至 [email protected] 或郵寄至「新界將軍澳靈實路7號基督教靈實協會傳訊及籌募部」收,信封面請註明「2023 HOPES RUNNER 靈實生命跑及慈善行」。
  • 參加者須保留「捐款表格」及「贊助表格」之副本,以便日後作覆核之用。


  • 登記一經確認,捐款將不獲退還及不可轉讓。參加者將於五個工作天內收到電郵確認通知。參賽加者如沒有收到確認電郵,可發電郵至[email protected]、致電2703 3236/ 2703 3290或WhatsApp 9205 7784查詢。
  • 所有家庭/團體組均以登記表格上之聯絡人為聯絡代表。
  • 重複登記只作一次計算,主辦機構不設退款、退件或轉名安排。
  • 捐款港幣$100或以上可獲發收據。所有正式收據將於活動後兩個月內發出。團體/企業賽(組)收據上的企業名稱,將會與表格上所填的名稱相同,請填上有效的企業名稱。
  • 參加者須於截止日期,即2023年1月6日或以前遞交登記表格、贊助表格及捐款,名額有限,先到先得。
  • 不接受現場登記。
  • 大會保留限制及拒絕登記的權利。


Participants are welcome to compete for various awards!



Participants are encouraged to invite friends and relatives to sponsor our activity. Your support will benefit more people in need! 



Participants are encouraged to invite friends and relatives to sponsor our activity. Your support will benefit more people in need! 

參加者須知 (如需下載請按此)

1. 名額有限,先到先得。
2. 任何參加者感到疲倦或感到不適,應立即聯繫值班人員尋求幫助。
3. 出於安全考慮,兒童必須由成人陪同。
4. 除參與賽跑時,所有參加者在是次活動範圍內必須全程配戴自備的口罩。
5. 所有參加者將會安排分批出發,詳細情況容後公佈。
6. 由於部分路線需走高架橋,參賽者應採取額外的安全措施,特別是有陪同的兒童。請勿倚靠、攀爬或移動沿路線放置的任何障礙物或分隔物。
7. 參加者必須接納主辦機構、香港特區政府及承建商不會對參加者所發生的意外、受傷或其所攜帶之財物承擔任何責任。
8. 為避免在陽光下過度曝曬和為惡劣天氣做準備,參賽者必須攜帶和使用合適的遮陽帽和雨具。
9. 參賽者不得攜帶任何溜冰鞋/刀片/滑板/手推車或其他可能阻礙步行暢通的大型物體。參與者不得攜帶任何動物或寵物。
10. 參賽者嚴禁攜帶危險物品(例如玻璃容器、刀具、煙花爆竹、激光筆、壓縮氣體或液體噴霧、攻擊性武器、易燃易爆物品或可能妨礙其他參賽者的材料/物品)。
11. 參與者不得穿著或攜帶任何被認為具有侮辱性、威脅性、歧視性、宗教性或政治性的服裝、橫幅、海報、標語牌、傳單或宣傳和/或展示材料。
12. 參加者須聽從值班人員及有關部門人員的指揮,不得作出或企圖作出任何違反香港特別行政區法律及香港特別行政區國安法的行為。參賽者應在整個活動過程中以負責任的態度行事,以確保自己的安全並避免危及他人的安全。
13. 主辦方有權禁止任何參與者做出任何引起公眾關注或其他主辦方認為不適當的行為或展示任何形式的信息,以參加/繼續舉辦活動。
14. 本次活動為無煙活動,請勿在步行路線沿線吸煙。請不要亂扔垃圾並保持路線清潔。
15. 為保障航空及公眾安全,參加者在活動當日切勿使用無人機拍攝或拍照。小型無人飛機(“SUA”)的運營將嚴格遵守 SUA 命令的要求和所有相關監管要求,無論是娛樂還是商業目的。執法人員將在活動期間監控無人機/小型無人駕駛飛機的使用情況。
16. 如遇惡劣天氣預報,活動最新安排將於1月14日(星期六)下午6時後透過電子媒體公佈;2023 HOPES RUNNER 靈實生命跑及慈善行的網站和 Facebook 頁面。如有必要,活動可能會延期或取消。



1. Limited quota, enrolment is on a first-come-first served basis.
2. Any participant who is exhausted or feeling sick should contact the duty personnel immediately for assistance.
3. Owing to safety concerns, children must be accompanied by adults.
4.Participants are required to wear their own masks in the event area at all times during the event.
5.Participants will start in different time slots allocated by organizer, details of the event will be announced in due course.
6. As part of the routes walks along viaducts, participant should take extra safety precaution, especially for any accompanied children. Do not lean on, climb over or dislocate any barrier or divider placed along the route.
7. Participant must accept that the Organiser, Hong Kong SAR Government and the contractor shall not be liable for any accident or injury to participant or his property.
8. To avoid over-exposure under the sun and to prepare for bad weather, participant must bring and use suitable protective sun hat and rain gear.
9. Participant must not bring any roller skates / blade / skateboard / trolley or other large object which may cause obstruction to the smooth flow of the walk. Participant must not bring any animals or pets.
10. Participant is strictly prohibited to bring dangerous goods (e.g. glass containers, knifes, fireworks, laser pointers, compressed gas or liquid spray, offensive weapons, flammable or explosive agents or materials/objects which may obstruct other participants).
11. Participant must not wear or bring any clothing, banners, posters, placards, leaflets or publicity and/or displaying materials which are considered abusive, threatening, discriminatory, religious or political.
12. Participant should follow the instructions of the duty personnel and officers of relevant authorities and is prohibited from committing or attempting to commit any act in violation of the laws of the HKSAR and the National Security Law governing the HKSAR. Participant should act responsibly throughout the event to ensure his / her own safety and to avoid endangering the safety of others.
13. The Organiser has the right to prohibit any participant who performs any act or displays any form of message that arouses public concern or is otherwise deemed inappropriate by the Organiser from joining/continuing the event.
14. This is a smoke-free event, please do not smoke along the Walk Route. Please do not litter and keep the route clean.
15. To ensure aviation and public safety, participants to refrain from using drone for video or photo taking on the event day. The operation of small unmanned aircraft (“SUA”) would strictly abide by the requirements of the SUA Order and all related regulatory requirements, regardless of recreational or commercial purposes. Law enforcement officers will monitor the use of drone/ small unmanned aircraft during the event.
16. In case of forecast of inclement weather, announcements on the latest arrangements for the event will be made on 14 January (Saturday) after 6:00 pm through the electronic media; Hopes Runner 2023 website and Facebook page. The event may be postponed or cancelled if necessary.


  1. 3KM 生命跑男子組: 請按此

  2. 3KM 生命跑女子組: 請按此

  3. 3KM 生命跑團體組: 請按此

  4. 6KM 生命跑男子組: 請按此

  5. 6KM 生命跑女子組: 請按此










活動照片下載, 瀏覽請按此