與香港同行超過70年 靈實賣旗2024

Haven of Hope Flag Day 2024

Walking with Hong Kong for Seven Decades




Haven of Hope has not held any physical flag-selling fundraising event since 2016. The two previous flag days in 2020 and 2022 were conducted online due to the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, which inevitably affected fundraising efforts. After an eight-year hiatus, the organization will finally hold a physical flag day on September 21 this year to raise funds for its non-subvented elderly services.

 The theme of this flag day is ‘Hope and Vibrancy: Accompanying Hong Kong for 70 Years’. Since its establishment in 1953, Haven of Hope has served the people of Hong Kong with care, professional and progressive spirit, becoming a ‘haven of hope’ for all. Take, for example, the Trinity Block of Haven of Hope Hospital (HHH), which was completed and opened in 2022. It opened during the fifth wave of the epidemic, with hundreds of severely ill patients needing admission daily, putting pressure on the hospital beds in public hospitals in Hong Kong at that time. In response to the needs of society, the Trinity Block immediately converted wards to admit new coronavirus patients, actively joining the community in the fight against the epidemic.

To echo the theme, the design blueprint of the flag day is based on the mosaic pictures in the garden on the fifth floor of the Trinity Block. It depicts common environmental and cultural symbols of life in Hong Kong, including the Victoria Harbour, Lion Rock, the Haven of Hope Chapel, lotus ponds, dim sum, and Hong Kong birds, as a symbol of Haven of Hope has accompanied and grown together with Hong Kong and everyone.

基督教靈實協會為《稅務條例》第 88 條獲豁免繳稅的慈善機構,於香港稅務局檔號為91/299。

根據《公司條例》(第622 章),基督教靈實協會為一所擔保有限公司。
