💝 活動詳情 💝
Details of the event
💎 日期 Date
19.06.2022 (星期日 Sunday)
⏰ 時間 Time
7:30pm – 10:00pm
💎 地點 Venue
Concert Hall, Hong Kong Cultural Centre
10 Salisbury Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong
💎 票價 Ticket Price
HK$2,000, HK$1,000, HK$580, HK$380
💎 節目 Programme
貝多芬第6號交響曲 F大調
(Beethoven – “Pastoral” Symphony No. 6 in F Major)
(Beethoven – Symphony No. 7 in A Major)
Raise fund for the service development and the expansion project of SASHCC
📢 查詢 Enquiry
📞 2703 3290 /
📞 2703 3373
💝 基督教靈實協會💝
Haven of Hope Christian Service
一九五零年代,大批內地難民因逃避戰亂湧到來港,聚居於調景嶺,衍生種種醫療及社會問題。 基督教靈實協會(下稱靈實)創辦人司務道教士「尊重生命.改變生命」,看見當時難民的需要, 既贈醫施藥,亦關注他們身體、心理、社交和靈性方面的需要,並幫助推動社福政策的發展。 時至今日,靈實的服務已拓展至健康、長者、復康及教育服務, 繼續傳承司教士全人關懷的服務精神,並積極進取,幫助弱勢及有需要的人。
In the early 50s, witnessing the desperate plights of the refugees in Tiu Keng Leung, Sister Annie Skau, the founder of Haven of Hope Christian Service (HOHCS) helped untie their knots in lives by means of medical assistance. Not merely did Sister Annie Skau Care about their health, she endeavored to meet their psychological, social and spiritual needs. Nowadays HOHCS has developed into a charitable organization offering medical, elderly, rehabilitation and family services, making great efforts to enhance the physical, psychological, social and spiritual well-being of service users, in the hope of sustaining the merits of holistic care inherited from Sister Annie Skau.
💝 靈實司務道寧養院 💝
Haven of Hope Sister Annie Skau Holistic Care Centre (SASHCC)
靈實司務道寧養院 (簡稱「寧養院」) 乃一所非牟利、自負盈虧的院舍,成立於2006年,秉持靈實創辦人「尊重生命.改變生命」的精神,為體弱長者、長期病患者及晚晴病人提供整合醫療護理、復康及靈性關顧的全人關顧。於2014年,與靈實司務道護養院整合服務,並重新命名為「靈實司務道寧養院」。
由2006年寧養院創院至今,一直以跨團隊由醫生、護士、物理治療師、職業治療師、社會工作者和院牧等組成,為晚期癌症病人和患有其他慢性疾病的體弱長者,提供全人照顧服務。現寧養院分為華永樓及司務道樓,共設有100張病床,透過專業的醫護團隊、完善的配套設施和寧靜清幽的環境,至今共逾 2,500 名病人及其家屬獲得優質服務,其中許多人也能夠在他們人生的最後旅程中,重新尋找到他們對基督的信仰,從而感到平安和盼望。
Haven of Hope Sister Annie Skau Holistic Care Centre (SASHCC) is a non-profit, self-financed nursing home with two separate blocks and a total of 100 beds. Upholding Sister Annie Skau’s spirit of “Respecting Life.Impacting Life”, the Centre provides integrated services and holistic care to the frail elders, chronically sick and late-stage cancer patients. With our professional care team, comprehensive facilities and tranquil environment, the Centre aims at bringing comfort, dignity and peace to patients in face of physical illnesses and even death.
We focus the following scope of services,
– Geriatric Rehabilitation Service
– Quality Infirmary / Long-Term Care
– Cancer Adjustment Supporting & Empowerment Service
– Hospice Care
💝 演出單位 💝
The SAR Philharmonic Orchestra is the musical arm of SAR PHILHARMONIC CHARITABLE FOUNDATION. Formed by a group of amateur musicians, it aims at helping the needy in community through music. To achieve this, the SAR Philharmonic has been presenting concerts to fundraise for charitable organizations. Since 1999, over HK$30 million has been raised for local charities.
For donation or enquiry, please contact
基督教靈實協會 – 傳訊及籌募部
Communications and Resource Development Department, Haven of Hope Christian Service, 7 Haven of Hope Road, Tseung Kwan O
電話 Tel: 2703 3290 (Ms Kathy Mo) / 2703 3373 (Ms Mandy Ng)
傳真 Fax: 2702 8173
電郵 Email: [email protected] / [email protected]
Haven of Hope Christian Service is a company limited by guarantee under the Companies Ordinance (Cap. 622).